
Document Controller is used to Upload documents to labPortal

POST api-v1/library/documents

Uploads the posted document to labPortal

GET api-v1/library/documents/{id}

Returns a DocumentMessage (details about the document and a download link) for the document with the given Id


The Results Job Resource represents Jobs that can be uploaded or downloaded from labPortal

GET api-v1/results/job?pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

Return all Jobs, paginated by and

GET api-v1/results/job/{id}

Return job with labPortal Id

GET api-v1/results/job?limsid={limsid}

Return job with LIMS Id

DELETE api-v1/results/job/{id}

Delete Job with labPortal id

POST api-v1/results/job/{id}/attachment

Attachment, When documents have been uploaded to labPortal the Job record can be marked with an attachment so that the user can query for the documents Use this api to update the attachment attribute of a Job The body must container a Multipart Form data with the content as: attachment=true

POST api-v1/results/job

Post a new or existing job, if job does not exist you will receive a HttpCreated, else the job will be updated and the response will be HttpOk Jobs use the property LimsId, to check for existence


Controller responsible for the results cache

POST api-v1/results/cache/clear

If called from an Azure application, clears the reference data cache and returns HTTP 204 (Success, no content), otherwise does nothing and returns HTTP 400 (Bad Request)


Methods for retrieving information about order schemas for use in the public API

GET api-v1/commerce/orderschema

Returns a list of all order schemas the current user has access to

GET api-v1/commerce/orderschema?id={id}

Returns detailed information about the order schema with the specified Id

GET api-v1/commerce/orderschema/users

Returns an array containing the email address of all users who can access an order schema, and the IDs of the order schemas they can access


Allows the retrieval of orders from labPortal

GET api-v1/commerce/orders/{id}

Get an order by the order id

GET api-v1/commerce/orders/{status}

Get an order by order status

POST api-v1/commerce/orders/submitted

Marks the order specified by Id within the post body as submitted (downloaded and imported into a laboratory LIMS system)

GET api-v1/commerce/orders/version

Returns the numeric version number of the active orders system, or -1 if there isn't one


Results-Sample Resource Represents a labPortal sample, properties and nested results and result metadata

GET api-v1/results/sample/{id}

This is the basic request to get a Sample representation.

GET api-v1/results/sample?limsid={limsid}

This is the basic request to get a Sample representation. The message format

GET api-v1/results/sample?property={property}&value={value}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}

A basic search function to retrieve samples. Supports pagination so that large datasets can be traversed. Samples returned in the order that they have been uploaded to labPortal. Therefore the first sample will be the most recently updated Sample.

GET api-v1/results/sample?searchId={searchId}&pageNumber={pageNumber}&pageSize={pageSize}&grid={grid}

Returns a list of Samples based on a Saved Search

POST api-v1/results/sample/{id}/attachment

Attachment, When documents have been uploaded to labPortal the Sample record can be marked with an attachment so that the user can query for the documents Use this api to update the attachment attribute of a sample The body must container a Multipart Form data with the content as: attachment=true

The API which calls the jobs and samples re-indexing services

GET api-v1/search/Index

Tells the job indexing service to re-index the jobs

GET api-v1/search/ReIndexSamples

Tells the sample indexing service to re-index the samples

GET api-v1/search/ForceReIndexSamples

Tells the sample indexing service to perform a full re-index of the samples